The concrete pole
The B&M Engineering design office – Concrete Division – can assist you in your project across all of the Project Management, Design and Execution missions.
Each of the missions can also be carried out independently.
Project management missions are traditionally carried out within a multidisciplinary project management team made up of an architect, a structural engineering firm, a fluid engineering firm, an electrical engineering firm, an economist and others depending on the specificities of the project.
The Execution missions are, for the most part, carried out in close collaboration with the Structural Works companies.
B&M Engineering recently strengthened its team with a reinforced concrete engineer, CHEBAP, with 9 years of experience responsible for the reinforced concrete division.
The project management, design and execution missions are structured as follows:
Design and project management phase:
Structural diagnostic study on existing buildings (DIAG),
Sketch studies (ESQ),
Preliminary design studies (APS, APD),
Project studies (PRO/DCE),
Assistance for the award of works contracts (ACT).

Execution phase:
Execution studies (EXE),
Realization of visas (VISA),
Directorate for the execution of works contracts (DET),
Assistance with operations prior to acceptance (AOR)
additional missions
Structural diagnosis
Feasibility study of a project
Reinforcement study
Estimating a project
Underpinning work
Expertise as a consultant to insurance experts

The B&M Engineering Concrete division has all the skills required and expected of a Reinforced Concrete Structure BET.
Eurocodes (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8) and other foreign regulations on a case-by-case basis
2D and 3D modeling
Finite element calculation
Seismic calculations
Structural diagnosis
Recalculation of existing structures
Project management
Rehabilitation (private, public).