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Lifting tools and equipment

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Sale and rental of equipment

With its expertise and field culture, B&M engineering operates as a turnkey builder of installations such as zip lines, material/blonde cable cars or mountain pasture cable cars.

winches, pylon trolleys, winders, unwinders
jaws, sheaves, blocks, capstans and winches, special machines.
Blood pressure monitors

These make it possible to precisely measure (up to +- 3%) the tension in a cable without having to carry out tension measurements. We provide tension measurement services for metal and synthetic fibre cables.

  • Steel cables from 2 mm to 78 mm and [0 to 180T]

  • Fiber cables from 2mm to 8mm

Some projects


Block jaws – aluminium for D65 mm max (60T with integrated blocks and 100 T without the block. Specific equipment designed to measure for companies operating in the cable work sector.


Block jaws – aluminium for D65 mm max (60T with integrated blocks and 100 T without the block. Specific equipment designed to measure for companies operating in the cable work sector.

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